LEGO Star Wars 25th Anniversary Celebrations kick off: Sets revealed And More!

The first LEGO® Star Wars sets hit the market back in 1999. It seems like yesterday that we were celebrating the 20th anniversary of the special relationship between Lucasfilm and the LEGO Group. This year we have a new series of Midi-scale ships, as well as a new R2-D2 buildable model, and a model of the scene that introduced us to the first characters to appear Star Wars, back in 1977, – the arrival of Darth Vader on the Tantive IV. (I acknowledge that I didn’t see the film until 1978,for some reason that escapes both my memory and that of my family. That said, it made for an awesome 9th birthday party).

Along the way, we see our first minifigure appearances of a couple of previously unrepresented characters in minifigure form.

Read on for more details and images.

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