Who is Egalt the Master Dragon? [71809 early hands-on review]

As Ninjago Dragons Rising approaches its second season, we look to the latest sets for a clue as to what might be coming up in the story next year. The largest set in this wave is 71809 Egalt the Master Dragon. This set has 532 pieces and 5 mini figures. It is priced at $89.99AUD/€69.99/USD69.99/£59.99/CAD89.99 [links to your local LEGO.com]

At this stage, little is known of the story or the role that Egalt will play in it, but there is one thing that is apparent from this model: The Master Dragon bears more than a passing resemblence to acertain missing Ninjitsu Master – eyebrows, Beard, Hat and Cape. What else is he hiding? Time will Tell!

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