Working out Worms: What I learned from the 42163 Heavy Duty Bulldozer

No…its not a gut affliction. Or a gardening discussion. A recent project got me thinking about the utility of worm gears. And then my experiences with this set got me thinking a little harder about their utility… but lets not get ahead of ourselves…

Time to take a glance at a little Technic… This year I am starting simple. I typically only build a couple of Technic sets per year, and this year I am starting small, with the 42163 LEGO® Technic Heavy Duty Bulldozer. This small set, part of the January 2024 releases has just 195 pieces, and is priced at $14.99AUD/€9.99/$USD12.99/£8.99. It was sent over by the LEGO Group for review purposes, but it might also serve to teach me something more.

“But what? “I hear you cry…let’s us see.

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